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What Does The Pastor Say At A Wedding

Introduction To The Exchange Of Wedding Vows 16

ULC Minister Wedding Training – Universal Life Church

Bride and Groom, the vows that you are about to exchange serve as a verbal representation of the love you have promised to each other.

For it is not the words that you speak today which will unite you together as one, but the inner sense of love and commitment that each of you feels within your soul.

Introduction To The Exchange Of Wedding Vows 7

BRIDE and GROOM, as you stand here in the presence of God and these witnesses, I remind you, that love, loyalty and trust are the basis of a mature and fulfilling relationship.

Your engagement set into motion the interweaving of your lives and we hope that you will continue to grow closer throughout your years together.

None of us knows what the future will bring.

Yet your love for one another, and trust in the strength of your union makes possible the act of faith you are making today.

As you exchange the vows, which will start you on your journey together, know that our love and support go with you.

As you make your promises to each other, we will remember promises we too have made and take this opportunity to make new our own.

Can We Write Our Own Vows

The official vows cover all those things we hope for from a good marriage and are legally binding, so they can not be changed. However, there may be some special, additional things you and your partner want to say to each other in this setting.

Some couples have done this by writing something as an additional reading, or using poetry or an extract from a book to say those things in a personal way. The vicar can advise you on how your ideas could work well as part of the service.

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Pronouncement Of Marriage 2

BRIDE and GROOM, you have expressed your love to one another through the commitment and promises you have just made. It is with these in mind that I pronounce you husband and wife.

You have kissed a thousand times, maybe more.

But today the feeling is new.

No longer simply partners and best friends, you have become husband and wife and can now seal the agreement with a kiss.

Today, your kiss is a promise.

You may kiss the bride.

What Do We Do If Someone Actually Objects

Wedding Quotes : I would have the priest read this before we day our ...

In her nine years of performing weddings, Magerman has never seen an objection. But if she were to experience one, she notes that couples should be comforted by the fact that most officiants are pros at commandingand calminga crowd, as well as ad-libbing. First, I would need to find out whats going on, Magerman says, imagining the scenario. Then, Id ask the person whos objecting to come forward with the couple, and Id walk off to the side quietly and privately with the group and address whats going on.

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Can I Ask My Officiant To Remove The Phrase From Our Ceremony

Absolutely! Though most secular officiantsand many religious ministersalready omit the phrase, theres no harm in double-checking. Whats more: A wedding ceremony script should be heavily influenced by your relationship with your officiant. If they know this phrase feels antiquated to you or doesnt represent your values, they should respect that decision.

Pronouncement Of Marriage 8

Today, BRIDE and GROOM honored you with their invitation to be present with them today for this ceremony.

And so, this day, they declare before all of us that they shall live together in marriage.

In the traditional way, they entered into their marriage with the joining of hands, the making of vows and promises, and the giving and receiving of rings, an outward symbol of their voluntary commitment to one another.

Therefore, it is my pleasure, that I now pronounce them husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride!

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The Questions Before The Consent

The Priest then questions them about their freedom of choice, fidelity to each other, and the acceptance and upbringing of children, and each responds separately.

and , have you come here to enter into Marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly? The bridegroom and bride each say: I have.Are you prepared, as you follow the path of Marriage, tolove and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?The bridegroom and bride each say: I am.The following question may be omitted if circumstances suggest this, for example, if the couple is advanced in years.Are you prepared to accept children lovingly from God and to bring them up according to the law of Christ and his Church?The bridegroom and bride each say: I am.

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Ordained Vs. Licensed MinistryOrdination permits the minister to carry out church rites and sacraments, corresponding to baptisms, authorized marriages and funerals. Not like ordination, which is often thought-about to be a one-time occasion, the credentials for licensed ministers could solely be legitimate for a particular time period.

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Introduction To The Exchange Of Wedding Vows 6

BRIDE and GROOM by coming here today, you have now taken the initial step in what hopefully will be a wonderful and lasting life together.

Understand, that a union between two people takes work.

Just as Rome wasnt built in a day, neither is a relationship ever complete. It needs constant nurturing.

A good marriage is one that fosters respect, a devoted love, and a willingness to make sacrifices for each other.

These are the foundation blocks of a newly formed union.

Symbolically you have been brought together as one, yet are still two separate entities with unique ideas, talents and ways of being.

Respect and value those differences, and your relationship will flourish.

Pronouncement Of Marriage 27

Throughout the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom have vowed to love and remain steadfast and loyal to one another as they stand before their assembled community of friends and family.

The bride and groom have each formalized and sanctified their bond by exchanging wedding vows and rings.

May your love be eternal and undying.

In witness of your love and commitment, it is now my pleasure to introduce you to those present here as husband and wife.

In honor of your entrance into holy wedlock, you may now kiss the bride!

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Alternatives To Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace

While some couples opt to simply eschew the speak now or forever hold your peace portion of a wedding ceremony, many others choose to replace it with something more positive called a declaration of consent or a community vow of support. In this newer tradition, the officiant asks guests to vow to support the couple in their union. Magerman has performed declarations of consent in several ways, including:

Welcome & Opening Prayer

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Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God, and in the presence of family and friends to join together this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony, which is commended of St. Paul to be an honorable estate, instituted of God and therefore is not to be entered into unadvisedly or carelessly, but reverently, joyfully and in the love of God. Into this holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined.

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Optional: The Blessing And Giving Of Arras

If the occasion so suggests, the rite of blessing and giving of arras may take place following the giving of rings.

The Priest says: Bless, O Lord, these arras that and will give to each other and pour over them the abundance of your good gifts.

The husband takes the arras and hands them over to his wife saying: , receive these arras as a pledge of Gods blessing and a sign of the good gifts we will share.

The wife takes the arras and hands them over to his wife saying: , receive these arras as a pledge of Gods blessing and a sign of the good gifts we will share.

Then a hymn or canticle of praise may be sung by the whole community.

Pronouncement Of Marriage 14

Forasmuch as you, Bride and you, Groom, have openly declared your wishes to be united in marriage, and in the presence of these witnesses have pledged love to each other, and have confirmed the same by joining hands, exchanging rings and declaring your vows, I as a minister and legally authorized to do pronounce that you are now husband and wife.

You may now kiss the Bride.

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The Rehearsal And Rehearsal Dinner

The pastor usually leads the wedding rehearsal at the church. If the pastor isn’t available, he may delegate that task to a church employee or volunteer. Some pastors may require a stipend or fee to run the wedding rehearsal. There is no obligation to do so, but the couple may want to invite the pastor to the rehearsal dinner if they are members of his church and have a close relationship with him. If they invite the pastor, they are not obligated to ask him to say grace or lead a prayer before dinner.

Opening Prayer Or Reading

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This reading can take whatever form the couple chooses, though it typically includes a focus on relationships, love, and companionship. If the couple is not religious, poems are a great secular option to feature in this space.

Religious: As the Bible reminds us in Ecclesiastes, Ecclesiastes 4:9: Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?”

Secular: What is love? Sooner or later we begin to understand that love is more than verses on valentines and romance in the movies. We begin to know that love is here and now, real and true, the most important thing in our lives. For love is the creator of our favorite memories and the foundation of our fondest dreams. Love is a promise that is always kept, a fortune that can never be spent, a seed that can flourish in even the most unlikely of places. And this radiance that never fades, this mysterious and magical joy, is the greatest treasure of all one known only by those who love. Unknown

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Who Puts The Ring On First

groomIn a traditional wedding ceremony order, the vows are followed by the ring exchange. The groom usually goes first, though we invite you to be progressive. He puts the wedding band on the brides finger while repeating a phrase like, I give this ring as a sign of my love. Then, its the brides turn.

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Origins Of Giving Away The Bride

Many of the customs found in today’s Christian wedding ceremonies trace back to Jewish wedding traditions and are symbols of the covenant God made with Abraham. A father escorting and giving away his daughter is one such custom.

This part of the ceremony seems to suggest a transfer of property from the brides parents to the groom. Many couples today feel the suggestion is demeaning and outdated and choose not to include the custom in their wedding service. However, understanding the tradition in light of its historical origin places the giving away of the bride in a different light.

In Jewish tradition, it was the father’s duty to present his daughter in marriage as a pure virgin bride. Also, as parents, the father and mother of the bride took responsibility for endorsing their daughter’s choice in a husband.

When the minister asks, “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?,” the father responds, “Her mother and I do.” These words demonstrate the parents’ blessing on the union and the transfer of their care and responsibility to the husband to be.

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Questions To Ask A Pastor

Now is essentially the interview part.

There are a lot of questions that a couple should consider asking a pastor.

Not every single question will apply to every couple, but here is a full list of questions that you should find yourselves asking at least a few of them.

This process is similar to how you will interview a bakery, florist, wedding planner, etc.

The Exchanging Of Rings

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If the couple has chosen to exchange rings, the minister usually says something about the symbolism of the wedding ring. For example, Though small in size these rings are large in significance. Made of precious metal, they remind us that love is not cheap, nor common indeed love is to be cherished. As the rings are exchanged, the minister will have the bride and groom repeat after her, With this ring, I thee wed, as they place the rings on each others fingers.

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Pronouncement Of Marriage Prayer And Kiss

Once the vows have been made and rings exchanged, the minister will proclaim the legal binding of the marriage: By the authority vested in me by the state of , I now pronounce you husband and wife. After this pronouncement, in most Christian weddings it is customary for the minister to pray for the couple. After the prayer, he will then say, You may kiss the bride.


About the Author

What To Do Before The Wedding Ceremony

Take care of legal issues. First, make sure that you are legally able to perform the wedding ceremony. If not, the marriage might be valid in Gods eyes, but it wont be according to the government. Requirements vary from state to state, so check with your local court for specific requirements.Typically you must be either licensed or ordained to perform a wedding, but some states have additional requirements.

Second, the wedding will not be legal unless the bride and groom get a marriage license from their local court. After the wedding ceremony, the bride, groom, wedding officiant and two witnesses sign the license.

Finally, the signed license is returned to the court where it the marriage officially becomes legally binding.

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Text Of The Celebration Of Matrimony

Following is the text of the Celebration of Matrimony . Click on the following link for a description and explanation of the complete outline of the Order of Celebrating Marriage With Mass.Italics indicate the rubrics, the instructions to the presider.

Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation excerpts from the English translation of The Order of Celebrating Matrimony© 2013, ICEL. All rights reserved.

Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States of America, second typical edition© 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc. and some additional texts copyright © 2016, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the permission in writing form the copyright holder.

Individuals who wish to reproduce text from The Order of Celebrating Matrimony for their own use must follow the ICEL copyright permission procedures, which may be found at

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