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How Do You Become A Wedding Planner

Understanding The Job Requirements

  • 1Meet with the client to develop a personalized wedding plan. Working with clients is at the heart of wedding planning. Discuss the clients preferences in detail and get a budget. Keep in mind that its your job to book the venue, select caterers, pick a photographer, hire music and entertainment, and consult the clients on invitations and wardrobe.XResearch source
  • Youll be responsible for coordinating all aspects of the wedding–rehearsals, the reception, the ceremony, and any travel arrangements–while sticking to the budget.
  • Additionally, the wedding planner has to attend the wedding to make sure everything goes according to plan.
  • Every client is different. Some will want to be super involved in the planning process, while others will just want to discuss the big picture. Talking to your clients and learning their preferences upfront will make your job a lot easier.XExpert Source
  • Should You Become A Wedding Planner

    Ready to dive in and create your own wedding planner job? Hopefully this post has armed you with enough information and motivation to get going.

    Ready to dive in and create your own wedding planner job? Colhouer has some advice to help you jump in.

    If I were to start over from scratch, I wouldve encouraged myself to start this business earlier, says Colhouer.

    I let my own fear and nervousness hinder me from starting what Ive grown to love dearly.

    Because, although its hard work, wedding planners seem to truly love their jobs.

    Spending six to 12 months with a couple, then seeing it all come to fruition for a stunning celebration is unbelievably rewarding, says Orwat.

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    Real Students Reviews & Case Studies

    The principle aim of the institute is to create the next generation of Wedding Entrepreneurs and Event Extraordinaires. We love all things creative, inspiring, beautiful and uplifting!

    Our past students say it best! Have a look at some real successes from past students of the Wedding Planner Institute.

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    What Qualifications Do You Need To Become A Wedding Planner

    Before you start a career as a wedding planner, its important to understand the necessary skills and training youll need in order to truly thrive. And admittedly, this is where things get a little tricky

    You see, technically, a proper education and certification are not required to work as a professional wedding planner. This is why some aspiring planners choose to jump right into the industry without any prior experience. They have a natural knack for putting together memorable parties. As a result, they mistakenly assume thatll be enough for them to be successful in the world of weddings.

    But this is where theyre wrong!

    In reality, theres a LOT more to professional wedding planning than what meets the eye. You also need to thoroughly understand:

    • How to provide exceptional customer service
    • Dealing with client conflict
    • The different types of clients and wedding celebrations youll be working with
    • Researching and securing various vendors and suppliers
    • How to develop timelines
    • Working within each clients allotted budget, as well as trimming down must-haves and/or securing more funds, if necessary
    • The different types of wedding ceremonies, and their religious and/or cultural significances
    • Why its critical to bring the entire theme of the wedding together through the use of color, decor, florals, etc.
    • How to write airtight client and vendor contracts
    • And SO much more!

    Secure An Internship With An Experienced Wedding Planner

    Do you dream of becoming a professional wedding planner ...

    Amy McCord Jones is the owner of Flower Moxie. Shes been a wedding planner and florist for over 13 years, and shes planned or serviced more than 600 weddings in her career. Her most pressing tip is to intern, intern, intern!

    I cannot stress enough the importance of interning before leaping into the wedding planning profession, says Jones. Over the years, Ive allowed many hopeful wedding planners to shadow me. Only one person actually went on to be a professional wedding planner.

    Why is this? From her experience, Jones notes that many would-be wedding planners are typically interested in the more creative aspects of the job, such as styling shoots and creating mood boards. But thats a fraction of what the actual job entails.

    Theres a ton of communication you need to manage between the engaged couple, venues, and vendors not to mention how extremely organized you must be to keep up with it all.

    Rob Alberti is the owner of Rob Albertis Event Services. He is a 35-year veteran in the wedding industry, and his company provides DJ services, custom lighting, and AV rentals at over 300 weddings each year. On the subject of internships, hes in complete agreement with Jones.

    Theres no substitute for actual, real-world wedding experience, he says. Its not until youve faced the numerous and varied challenges that come with this role that you can understand the pressure and responsibility required of a wedding planner.

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    I Started Jubilee Events With No Experience No Contacts And None Of The Training Or Support That’s Available These Days Even So I Signed High

    I wrote and published two books and have been featured in countless publications .

    I grew a team that supported my business while I moved to Barbados and married the man of my dreams .

    Fast forward to 12 years later and my scribble of a signature found it’s way on a bill of sale. I built a business that I loved, and then I sold my successful wedding planning and design business to teach you how to do what I did.

    I know what it takes to run a successful wedding industry business. And I know what you’re feeling right now as you ask yourself: how do I become a wedding planner with no experience? Let me share with you the first steps you need to take.

    The Next Day I Remember Being Surrounded By Bridal Magazines Every Issue I Could Get My Hands On I Was Humbing Through The Pages Like A Private Investigator I Wanted To Be A Wedding Planner And I Was Going To Figure Out How To Become A Wedding Planner With Zero Experience

    Day and night, I inhaled weddings. I spent every free moment buried in BRIDES magazine, gazing at pictures and actually reading the articles.

    I’d come home from CVS with two arm-fulls of newly released bridal magazines, ready to pour myself into them as I began to lay the foundation for my business.

    That’s how I started my wedding planning and design company way back in 2007. A life-changing moment, a determination to leave a job I abso-freaking-lutely hated, and the glossy pages of BRIDES magazine to inspire me and keep me company.

    The world of wedding planning looked a lot different back then, but the freedom and abundance of owning my business looks the same as it does today. I built my wedding planning and design business, Jubilee Events, from zero to six-figures. And my nervousness about starting a business with zero experience? A thing of the past.

    Over the years, my team and I worked with hundreds of clients worldwide, from New York City to Fiji, Vermont to Costa Rica, Barbados to Paris, celebrating moments that mattered in our clients’ lives.

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    Breaking Into The Industry

    You dont necessarily have to wait until youve graduated or obtained a wedding planning certificate to start making strides in the bridal industry. At the very least, make a plan and start networking.

    Getting Hired

    Unfortunately, obtaining a certificate or degree doesnt guarantee youll land your dream job or any job, for that matter. As is the case in most industries, youll likely have to work your way up at a wedding planning company. Dont be afraid to complete an internship or take an assistant position the work will be grueling but itll allow you to learn a lot more than if you were just delegating. Youll also be able to learn the ropes alongside a seasoned professional.

    Lisa Gorjestani, founder and event planner at Details Event Planning, told the muse that while starting out, wedding planning newcomers should network and get to know as many venues and vendors as possible.

    Interning is a valuable experience. This is one of those businesses in which it just takes experience, she said. Even if you are very creative, you need to understand the business side and logistics involved.

    If you dont want to start at the bottom of the totem pole, aim for an on-site coordinator position. Youll be able to work with a variety of wedding vendors while learning the ins and outs of weddings and other events.

    Starting Your Own Business

    Make sure to also take advantage of free and affordable tools, like the Wedding Planners Toolbox from Planners Lounge.

    The Statistics

    Diligence With The Details

    How to Become an Event Planner!

    “Attention to detail” is a buzz-phrase, but it remains a cornerstone of professional wedding planning. Clients are paying for trained eyes and ears, and planners need to be able to spot problems before they happen.

    Managing a large group of wedding guests and vendors, maintaining a timeline, and making sure that everyone and everything looks great at all times is no easy task, and would be impossible for someone who wasn’t naturally vigilant about even the smallest details.

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    Become A Wedding Planner Assistant

    Become a wedding planner assistant and learn the ropes on the job.

    Most wedding planner assistant jobs are volunteer based think of it as an internship.

    Working as a wedding planner assistant is a great way to learn from a professional.

    Another added bonus if you do a good job, you may get work sent your way if the planner is unavailable for a job.

    How do you become a wedding planner assistant?

    Contact planners in your area and offer your services for free. Most wedding planners will be more than happy to have a pair of extra hands to help out.

    In exchange for some photos for your portfolio and a recommendation letter this can be a great way to gain some experience.

    How Do You Become A Wedding Planner

    Wedding planning is a unique career in many ways. To start with, unlike other trades and professions, there is no one single approved path to become a wedding planner. In fact, there are probably as many stories about how most wedding planners got started as there are wedding planners! Here are some pathways into this rewarding career.

    Get some experience in the wedding industry

    Working in the wedding industry, for example, for a caterer or florist, is a great introduction a career in wedding planning. If possible, contact a wedding planner in your area, explain you are interested in becoming a wedding planner yourself, and as if he or she needs an assistant. If not, see if you can volunteer some of your time. You will gain valuable experience as you learn the ins and outs of wedding planning. The advantage of this path is that you can learn the skills you need right on the job, as well as make valuable social and professional contacts along the way.

    Take a course offered by a wedding planners association

    Earn a certificate or degree in wedding and event planning

    As you can see, there are multiple ways to become a wedding planner. The right option for you depends on your personal goals and your experience.

    Also Check: When To Send Save The Dates And Wedding Invitations

    How To Find Wedding Planner Jobs

    Now that you know how to become a wedding planner, its time to start applying for jobs or building your client base. First things first, you need to create a resume that will catch a potential employers eye. Your wedding planner resume is almost like a proposalit shows potential employers how youll partner with them to create a happy future. You can get ideas from a sample event coordinator resume and an event coordinator cover letter to help create your wedding planner resume.

    Then, once your application materials are prepared, you can get ready for your big day by searching through event planner and event coordinator listings that include wedding planning jobs on Monster.

    What Skills Are Required As A Wedding Planner

    Do You Need To Go To School To Become A Wedding Planner?

    Wedding planners should possess a variety of skills to become successful in their role. Some of these skills include:

    Organizational skills

    Wedding planners are often planning multiple weddings at one time. It’s important for you to stay organized and plan all of them with ease.

    Communication skills

    Along with meeting and speaking to clients, you’ll be expected to engage with various clients and wedding guests. Being able to communicate effectively is vitally important in this role.

    Active listening skills

    Your clients will often have strong opinions on plans for their weddings, so it’s important to listen carefully. The better active listener you are, the better you’ll be able to create an unforgettable day for the happy couple.


    You might encounter clients that are more demanding than others. In these circumstances, it is important to be patient and understand your clients’ concerns.


    Wedding planners should also know how to plan and adhere to a budget. This is especially important in attending to clients who need to stick to a particular budget for their wedding.

    Time management skills

    Wedding planners should also be able to effectively manage their time. This is especially important in ensuring all necessary vendors are hired well in advance of the wedding day. This also comes in handy when they are tasked with planning multiple nuptials at one time.

    Problem-solving skills

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    The Spice Of Life Is In The Details

    The fourth and final reason for getting wedding planning certification is the infinite details that go into planning The Perfect Wedding. Everyone has this vague perception that weddings are complicated, but you only really begin to appreciate the immensity of the task once you embark on the journey of actually planning one from concept to completionespecially a wedding involving two large families.

    It only takes one forgotten detail for a clients entire wedding to go wrong and the only acceptable person to blame is the only person who is unaffiliated with anyone elsethats right, you!

    Most venues require all set up to be done the day of the wedding. Therefore, if a detail is forgotten or you were never aware it was your responsibility to begin with, many times it is too late to correct it. And rest assured, on the day of the wedding every detail is the wedding planners responsibility in the clients and guests opinion. An established and accredited wedding planning certification course will furnish you with forms and lists that will assist you with knowing and remembering all of these details.

    Do I Need Specific Skills And Qualifications

    There are no particular qualifications required to become a wedding planner – it’s much more important to gain experience. You won’t be hired to plan somebody’s wedding if you don’t have a history of successfully organising events.

    You may be able to get some experience by planning your own wedding or those of friends and family. Another option is to search for local wedding planners and ask them for work experience or opportunities to shadow them.

    While not essential, an academic background in hospitality and event management will help you develop the right skillset. Find out about event management courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level. If you choose the university route, get involved in societies and clubs and be proactive in organising their events.

    For specific tutoring in wedding planning, short and online courses are available through organisations such as:

    If you intend to be self-employed, look for courses that include modules on setting up and running a business. Learn more about self-employment.

    You’ll need to have these key skills if you want to be a successful wedding planner:

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