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How To Address Wedding Invitations Plus One

If Your Invitation Doesn’t Say Plus One That Means You Weren’t Invited With A Guest End Of Story

How to Mail Wedding Invitations – avoid Post Office mistakes!

It sounds obvious, but this extremely important rule is worth repeating: no “plus one” on your invite means you were invited alone. Being invited to a wedding does not automatically mean you were invited with a guest. Being invited on your own does not mean “bring someone if you want.” It’s incredibly rude to RSVP with a guest if you weren’t invited with one, and it’s even worse to just show up with someone. You’re essentially telling the bride and groom they’ll be paying for one more person without even asking. Not cool, man.

Treat Married And Unmarried Couples The Same

There are increasing numbers of people who enter into long-term commitments without ever tying the knot, so the modern and new etiquette rule says to treat them all the same: If they’re a couple, write them on the same line. If their names don’t both fit on the same line, write them on separate lines.

When Should We Send Out Our Wedding Invitations

Traditionally, invitations go out six to eight weeks before the wedding. That gives guests plenty of time to clear their schedules and make travel arrangements if they don’t live in town. If it’s a destination wedding, give guests more time and send them out three months ahead of the wedding. Most couples also send out save-the-date cards so that their guests can hold the day in their calendar before getting into the nitty-gritty details. Save-the-dates typically are sent out six to eight months before the wedding.

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How To Address Plus

Okay, so once youve decided who is receiving a plus-one, how should you go about communicating this to your guests?

First, its important to consider the wording of your wedding invitations to ensure guests clearly understand whether or not theyve received a plus-one. You can do this by:

  • Addressing your invitation to the exact invitee/s. For couples in a partnership, address their invitation using both names. For single guests, address it using their name followed by and guest. For guests who arent receiving a plus-one, simply address it to their name. Read our guide on exactly how to address your wedding invitations here!
  • To avoid confusion for guests who dont have a plus-one, you could also include the phrase We have reserved 1 seat in your honour or Number of guests attending: 1 on your RSVP card.

If you foresee any potential awkwardness regarding plus-ones, you can also use your wedding website to set some expectations with your guests. Simply include a simple sentence such as Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate plus-ones due to our venue capacity. We appreciate your understanding, and cant wait to celebrate with you on the day!

Pro tip: Wedding websites are also the perfect place to address other topics such as kids, registry details, and dress codes. Read our guide on exactly what to include on your wedding website here!

Heres Who Must Get A Plus

How to Address Guests on Wedding Invitation Envelopes ...

Couples in serious, long-term relationships should also be invited as a pair, whether they live together or not. This holds true even if you dont personally know the significant other.

When it comes to long-term couples, it is okay to cut off plus-ones at a certain age. Dont beat yourself up if its not in the budget to invite your teenage cousins boyfriend of eight months.

Inviting a pal from out of town or your best friend from childhood? If the only person theyll know at your wedding is you or your spouse, you must extend a plus-one invite.

Oh, and dont forget your wedding party! All of your bridesmaids and groomsmen should have the option to bring someone. Considering all that they’re doing to make your day special, the least you can do is allow them to bring a date to the reception.

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Be Prepared For People To Ask If They Can Bring A Plus

Guests who do not receive a wedding plus-one may reach out about bringing a guest. Harrison says its okay to reply with something kind, along the lines of: We would love for you to bring a guest, but this is a very intimate affair. It might feel rude and hard to say, but just remember: You had that conversation with your partner and family ahead of time. By sticking to your guns, you become one step closer to the wedding that you wantnot one that wedding guests have dictated.

I Invited My Friend And Their So To The Wedding But They Recently Broke Up Now They Want To Bring A Friend I Don’t Likecan I Tell Them No

If you worded the invitation by having their partner’s name on the envelope , you have every right to say no. As a rule, invitations are nontransferable when people are invited by name. Explain that you’re not friendly with their proposed guest and you’d prefer the wedding be limited to close friends and family. If you invited all of your single friends sans dates, let them know they won’t be the only one coming solo .

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Don’t Rsvp With A Plus One Unless You Know Your Plus One Is Going To Come

Yes, it’s hard to plan super far in advance, and sure, things happen â people get sick, emergencies come up. But if you’re unsure of whether or not your date can attend the wedding, don’t put their name down. If you haven’t asked anyone, don’t RSVP with a plus one just assuming you’ll find someone. Once you tell the couple you’re bringing someone, they pay for that someone. If you say you’re bringing someone and then show up alone, you basically just flushed their money down the toilet.

How To Address Wedding Invitations To Children And Families

Envelope Addressing – Wedding Addressing Etiquette Rules!

Include younger guests on the inner envelope of their parents’ invitation by their name. For girls under 18, you can use “Miss” if you’d like. Boys don’t need a title until they’re 18then they can be addressed as “Mr.” As with the other guests invited, you can always forgo titles or use the gender-neutral title of “Mx.”

Note: If you don’t include each child’s name, you’re implying that children are not invited. That said, don’t be surprised if some guests still mistakenly assume their children are welcome. If you’re concerned this will happen with your guests, ask your immediate family and wedding party to help spread the word that the wedding will be adults only and add the message to your wedding website. You may still have to follow up with guests who don’t get the message via phone to gently explain the situation.

On the outer envelope:

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Abraham

On the inner envelope:

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Abraham

Daniel, Jeffrey, Miss Brittany and Mx. Kelly

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Do We Have To Invite Every Guest With A Date Or A Plus

No, you don’t have to. If a guest isn’t married or in a serious relationship, it’s perfectly acceptable to invite them solo. Most guests will understand that without “and Guest” or another name on the invitation,they aren’t invited with a plus-one. While it’s always nice to invite everyone with a guest, that can add up quickly . If a guest RSVPs for two, call them and explain you’re trying to be diligent about your guest list, unfortunately, you were not able to invite everyone with a guest. If you realize that nearly everyone will be coupled up, you might want to extend a plus-one invitation to your few single friends and family members.

How To Return Address

How to address return labels for the invitations doesnt have to be complicated. You can either have an inner envelope with your return address on it or an RSVP postcard that guests can fill out and mail back. In either of these cases, it is considered polite to include a postage stamp. If you are wondering how to write return address on the invitations for a wedding that is fast approaching, consider telling guests to RSVP via email or a wedding website.

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How To Address To A Single Person Without A Guest

It is perfectly fine to not offer plus ones to your single guests, especially if your budget wont allow for it. While it is considered rude to state on the invitation that the guest is not allowed to bring a plus one, you can hint at it in a few ways.

On your invitation: Ms. Mary Bennet

On your RSVP cards: Please indicate the number of guests able to attend the wedding.

____ of __1__ guests will be attending.

If you are worried that some guests wont take the hint you can talk to them in person and say something like, While we would love for everyone to be able to bring a plus one, unfortunately our wedding budget just doesnt allow for any more than we have invited.

Put This Wedding Plus

How to Address Wedding Invitation Envelopes

Remember, theres no one-size-fits-all approach to plus-one etiquette. All you can do is prepare ahead of time so you know how to handle situations as they arise. No matter what, we know youve got this and that your big day is going to be incredible.

Up next, check out 33 ways to wow your wedding guests.

Find the perfect wedding venue!

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Who Else Should Be Considered For A Plus

So, with long-term partnerships and bridal party members sorted, is there anyone else that should be considered for a plus-one?

If your budget and venue allow, we also think its a good idea to extend a plus-one to any solo guests who wont know anybody else at the wedding, especially if theyre traveling to join you. While weddings are a great opportunity to mingle and meet new people, lets be honest attending a wedding alone can be seriously daunting .

Again, theres no strict obligation, but offering a plus-one in this situation would be a kind and thoughtful gesture to ensure all of your guests are comfortable.

How To Ask For The Address

It seems straightforward but we have outlined a list of options for obtaining addresses for your wedding invitations:

  • White pages online
  • Facebook direct messaging
  • Using parents address book, or having your parents ask around for you
  • Use a site like Postable to get your guests to fill in their own addresses
  • If a close family member has recently gotten married, use their list of addresses to get you started
  • Email or call people
  • Text message
  • A small note on the bottom of a digital Save The Date requesting postal addresses to be sent to a certain email address

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Wedding Invitation Envelope Printing

Want to save time on your invitations? Minted will address your envelopes for FREE, in a variety of hand-styled fonts and unique designs that match your invitation. Simply upload your addresses, choose recipient addressing and select your guests, and Minted will include complimentary printed envelopes with your order. Plus, your address book will be saved for future stationery occasions, like thank you cards and holiday cards.

Inner Envelope Vs Outer Envelope

Who gets a ‘plus one’ to your wedding?

As we mentioned before, there are two envelopes sent with a wedding invitation. Remember that the inner envelope is typically more informal than the outer envelope our examples above are all for outer envelopes.

Write the more formal full name on the outer envelope, but feel free to use first names or other less formal wording on the inner envelope of the wedding invitation.

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How To Address Wedding Invitations To Those With Other Distinguished Titles

Apply the same rules you use for doctors for military personnel, judges, reverends and so on. If both titles don’t fit on one line, indent the second line.

On the outer envelope:

The Honorable Jane Kelly and Lieutenant Jonathan Kelly, US Navy

If they’re both captains in the military:

Captains Jane and Jonathan Kelly, US Navy

On the inner envelope:

Judge Kelly and Lieutenant Kelly, US Navy

The Captains Kelly

How To Address Wedding Invitations With A Plus One

On how to address wedding invitations with guest, this follows the same rules as addressing a wedding invitation to a single male or female. As they are usually the ones who need an accompanying plus one.

On the outer envelope:

Wedding invitations alone can seem like such a burden that you might find yourself even wondering how to address an envelope. Not to worry, this part of your wedding planning is not as difficult as it may seem. Whether youre trying to decipher how to address wedding invitations to a family or even how to ask for address for wedding invitations, weve got your back. What we have detailed here is the right wedding invitation address etiquette to help our readers on their journey to a fabulous wedding. In addition to the names and location information, you can include wedding quotes for good measure.

Also Check: When To Send Out Wedding Invitations No Save The Dates

Married Engaged And Cohabitating Guests Traditionally Receive A Plus

As a rule of thumb, Amber Harrison, the head of weddings at Shutterfly, says only married, engaged, and serious couples receive a plus-one. But this isnt a hard-and-fast rule. I advise, and I see more and more, that take a good look at their list and say If we only have one or two single friends who dont get a plus-one, will they enjoy themselves? Will they feel uncomfortable? How can we make them have a great time? Even if theyre not necessarily in a long-term relationship, maybe they can bring someone, suggests Harrison.

What About The Envelopes

How To Address Your Wedding Invites

Another thing to remember about plus ones and invites is who you are addressing on the outer and inner envelope.

  • If you invite a guest who is single and they are not getting a plus one, both their outer and inner envelope should include their name only.
  • A guest who does get a plus one, the outer envelope should include their name aloneand the inner envelope should include their name and guest.
  • If you are sending online invitations, include the names at the beginning of the email.

As with every aspect of wedding planning, the invitations and the specific wording you decide to use will all come down to what you want. But hopefully these examples give you a little insight and help to how plus one wording should be. Remember, clarity is key. Believe it or not, many people think that they can simply bring someone along to a wedding without asking. So when it comes to your invites, the clearer, the better!

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