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Selling Wedding Ring After Divorce

So What Should You Do With Your Wedding Rings On Divorce

Thinking of Selling Your Engagement Ring After Divorce?

You could save the rings to give to your child or childs fiancée one day they will serve as a token of a marriage that was tough but led to that beautiful moment of a new love. Theres nothing wrong with that. If you and your ex-spouse had a friendly co-parenting relationship after divorce, that will remove most of any negative feelings your child may have about the rings.

You could transform your wedding rings into a new piece of jewelry. Thats an acceptable solution, too. It can be a symbolic gesture that conveys the start of your new life. You can even get a jeweler to melt down the rings to create something for the children you have from that marriage.

But if the mere thought of the rings makes you sad or anxious, the best thing to do is to get rid of them. Its a personal decision that requires tons of strength, so take your time if youre not ready yet.

Some women decide to give their wedding rings back to their ex that gesture helps them get closure. But lets face it: at this point, you could probably use all the money you can get, so selling the rings might be a smarter thing to do. It still gives you closure, but it also benefits you in a practical way.

The bottom line is that selling your wedding rings on divorce might be the smartest and most practical way to dispose of them.

Common Reasons To Sell Your Wedding Ring

You’re not alone in wanting to sell your wedding ring or sell your engagement ring. In fact, there are some reasons people sell that can give you some good ideas for what to do with the money.

Common reasons include:

  • To pay legal expenses for your divorce
  • To rid yourself of an object that reminds you of a past relationship
  • To pay for major debt with high interest
  • To invest in yourself
  • To get rid of ex’s jewelry and move forward in your new marriage/relationship
  • etc.

Selling your wedding rings can actually bring about relief. Kylie from, says that selling her wedding rings,

was a relief. They were the last things hanging around from that time really. He was abusive and it was amazing to have all that energy gone.

Ways To Repurpose A Wedding Ring

Are you of two minds about what to do with your old wedding or engagement rings? Some people stash theirs in a jewelry box or drawer, some bury theirs or throw it off a cliff or into the ocean.

If you feel the need to do one of these things, we wont stop you. But before you go to extremes, take a minute to consider all your options. Why not rather redesign or repurpose your old wedding or engagement ring instead?

One quick tip before we move on: though it may not be something you want to think about, you might want to consider seeking legal advice from a divorce lawyer to determine whether the rings are considered marital property, a conditional gift, or whether they have become your property as a marital asset. This could be complicated if the rings were a family heirloom.

Regardless, just make sure that they legally belong to you before deciding to redesign, repurpose, or sell.

Now, onto the fun ideas!

Turn It Into a Divorce Ring

If you love the look of your engagement ring, there might be no need to change anything about it. You could simply wear it on your right hand where it will not have the same significance as it had before.

You could also consider changing the setting by having side gemstones or a gemstone halo added. By choosing colorful gems to compliment the original diamond, it will certainly look more like a dress ring, especially if you decide to wear it on your right hand.

Turn It Into Another Piece of Jewelry

Sell It

Lucy Good Health and healing

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Lets Not Skip The Meaning Of Money

The saying goes diamonds are a girls best friend, but that adage is actually incorrect. Food is. Yup, why not take this thing of value that has lost its loving sentiment and use it to pay some basic billsor do a little celebrating of the start of your new life, even if it isnt feeling fully fabulous just yet.

Virginia F. took this path when it came to her ring. This wedding ring is my heart, Virginia wrote us on Facebook. I tried the other day to rid myself of it. It came to a whole $100 offer at the pawn shop. I decided to keep it and throw it in the river as a testimony that my ex could never control my life again. As I threw my arms up to say goodbye, I changed my mind again. I got the 100 bucks and invited two friends for pizza and beer. Whether you use the funds raised to by basics or to say cheers with a few friends, it sounds like a great idea to us.

by Etsy: IsabellaDayGoldsmith

Posy rings were popular from the late medieval period onward and were used to communicate secret messages of love in this case, a message of self-love.

We love the minuscule Latin inscription on this posy ring that reads Alis Volat PropriisShe flies with her own wings. This magnificent ring has been cast from an original hand-carved design and is available in silver, rose gold, yellow gold, white gold, and oxidized silver.

What Divorced Readers Did With Their Wedding Rings

In A Divorce Who Gets The Wedding Ring

A Magazine article on when to take off a wedding ring after a marriage fails generated a large response from readers.

It came after Katie Holmes was photographed in New York without her wedding ring, having filed for divorce from Tom Cruise.

The feature asked when it was appropriate to remove the band, and explored the symbolism of doing so.

Here, readers share their stories about the dilemma of what to do with a symbol of marriage once the relationship has broken down:

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How To Sell Your Engagement Ring After Divorce

  • Post author

Are you deciding whether or not you should sell your engagement ring?

You are probably wondering:

Where is the best place to sell your engagement ring?

How much will I get for my engagement ring?

And, maybe the most difficult question, should you sell your engagement ring at all?

We often get calls or walk-ins from men and women wanting to sell their diamond engagement ring. Sometimes they need the money, and other times they just want to never see it again. In any case, the decision is usually difficult. We all want to get the most value when selling something that has so much emotional attachment.

Why Sell Your Wedding Ring

There are many reasons to sell a wedding ring. Some individuals feel selling their wedding ring is a symbol of letting go and moving on. Others may need to sell a ring due to the financial burden of a divorce. While others may just want to upgrade their diamond. Regardless of the reason, selling a wedding ring is very common and can be a positive experience both mentally and financially.

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Whats The Best Place To Sell An Engagement Ring

Well make this easy for you.

Pawnshops NOT

Forget about pawn shops. They will try to pay the lowest possible value of it intrinsically. This means they will pay far below the wholesale market value of the gold or platinum. And, they will go even lower on the diamonds wholesale value. They arent pros when it comes to jewelry, they sell everything. So they have a just bit of knowledge about it all. They will be worried they are overpaying for a diamond. Thus, they will go as low as possible to play it safe.

Direct to consumer NOT

You could attempt to go direct to the consumer. This has its own risks and headaches. Firstly, you need to know exactly what you have. So, you will have a lot more research and work to do. Youll also need to get an official appraisal.

Whats more, you will need to get it cleaned, and you need to understand that the appraisal value is not even close to what you are going to get. If you sell direct to consumer, you will be dealing with people who want to get a ring for cheap. We are talking significantly lower than what was paid for it. If the consumer is not going to get a great deal, why wouldnt they just go directly to a jeweler or buy from a well-known online jewelry store and get one brand new? Theyd get the same thing, but new, and with new packaging, warranties, lifetime aftercare, and so on.

Local Jeweler YES!

If you have a certificate from GIA, they will honor it. So definitely bring this along if you have it.

Where To Sell Your Engagement Ring

Wedding Rings After Divorce | I Sold It (online) & Plans

When it comes to selling your engagement ring after divorce, not all options are equal. In fact, there will be a huge disparity in the amount you receive depending on where you sell it.

If you walk into a brick and mortar storeperhaps similar to where your ex bought the diamondyoure likely to receive a very low price. Heres why: brick and mortar stores get diamonds for significantly less than what they sell them for. Stores get diamonds at wholesale prices from their suppliers on consignmentmeaning they dont have to buy a diamond until it sells. Therefore, a jewelry store will offer you a cheap price, because otherwise theyd just buy a similar diamond on better terms from a supplier. Jewelers also know that buying from you is a great opportunity to buy a diamond at well below the market price.

Pawn shop prices tend to be even worse, because they expect the diamond to sell for well below the market value. In order to make your ring worth their while, they need to purchase your diamond at an even lower price.

You could also try to sell your engagement ring directly to someone who wants it, although that approach comes with some risklike whether or not youll receive a reliable payment. Selling your ring on a site like Craigslist or eBay will also probably not give you the market price, because consumers would rather go to a store or online jeweler to receive a new ring that comes with warranties.

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How Much Can I Expect To Get For My Jewelry

Speaking very generally, when reselling a wedding or engagement ring you can expect to make back between a third and half of the original retail price.

Name brands like Tiffany or Cartier hold their value better than more discreet pieces, and the age, condition, and amount of wear and tear can also have an effect. Reputable documentation, such as GIA grading certificates and insurance appraisals, will add to its value.

The more information you have about your rings, the more prepared youll be. If you know specific details about your diamond-like color grade, clarity, and exact carat weight you can use an online diamond calculator like this one or this one to give you a rough idea of what you can ask for.

See if you can compare some free estimates before selling start by comparing two online markets and one face-to-face option. If youre planning on trying to sell directly, you can look through other pre-owned jewelry markets to see what comparable pieces are selling for.

Beautifully Broken Divorce Ring

by Bryan Anthonys

This dainty ring is indeed beautiful as its name suggests, even if the design symbolizes imperfection. Because nobody is perfect we are all real people, flawed in so many ways. Nobody has it together all the time.

You never have to apologize for being broken. In the same way you should not apologize for being divorced. Wear your ring with pride and remember that its the cracks that let the light in.

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You Have The Option To Exchange Your Engagement Ring:

One thing that is amazing about working with Diamond Exchange Houston is that we have endless possibilities with your jewelry exchange options. Some jewelry stores only sell jewelry and they dont have access to the amazing deals that wholesale diamond dealers like Diamond Exchange Houston offer. We can exchange your current jewelry for something new. We have a great selection of tennis bracelets, diamond earrings, fashion rings, necklaces, and more. Make your old engagement ring history and step into your new world with some new bling :). Diamond Exchange Houston is here to help you say goodbye to the old and hello to the new.

Contact Diamond Exchange Houston To Sell Your Engagement Ring After Your Divorce

Let the experts at Diamond Exchange Houston help you decide which option will work best for you when it comes to selling your engagement ring after your divorce. We have worked with thousands of customers in the buying and selling of their engagement rings. We will be glad to discuss different options with you over the phone or at our jewelry store in Houston. If you would like to discuss your options when it comes to selling your engagement ring after your divorce then call us today at or fill out our contact form.

Change In The Wind Ring

A Guide On Selling Your Wedding and Engagement Ring After Divorce

by Etsy: thesilversmith

This stunning sterling silver ring is half an inch wide, with vertical and horizontal indentations creating texture across its surface. This is intended as a reminder of how fickle life can be and how fast things can change. Its a sentiment we can all identify with, making this a perfect divorce ring to remind the wearer that nothing is permanent.

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Can You Sell A Wedding Ring During Divorce

When it comes to selling your wedding ring, whether during or after divorce. The decision is yours to make, since you have the right to keep it if you are not yet emotionally ready to let go of it, or you can make an agreement with your partner on when to sell the ring. Here are several options where you can sell your wedding ring:

Can I Legally Sell My Engagement Ring

This is kind of a tricky question and subject.

Disclaimer: We are not lawyers or a law firm and we do not provide legal advice.

So, we highly recommend that you consult a lawyer if you have any question regarding selling your ring. People get sued every day for things like this.

Typically it depends on a few factors whether the woman or man can keep the engagement ring and sell it, such as:

  • Was the wedding broken off?
  • Who broke it off?

Implications of non-payment: There are no financial implications. If no payment is made the loan simply defaults. Collection practices include sending a text message or email reminding the client payment is due. There is no impact to a client’s credit score for late or non-payment. Loans are renewed when an interest payment is made. Maximum APR 36%. There are no additional fees or penalties when renewing a loan. No loans offered are under 60 days. Early prepayment options that are available are not associated with any fees or cost. The loan is not required to be repaid within 60 days. The minimum repayment period is 61 days and maximum is 10 years. An example of a loan is: borrower takes $100, repays $106 in 90 days. Loan is fulfilled.

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Where To Sell My Wedding Ring After Divorce

If you are looking to sell both your engagement ring and wedding rings, WP Diamonds can make you a competitive offer for both pieces. We price your engagement ring and factor in the metal of your wedding ring. Contact us today to find out how much you could receive for your wedding ring set. Fill out our online form or call .

Is It Ok To Sell Your Engagement Ring

Divorce Lawyer Laura Wasser Sold Her Ring With Worthy

As you can see from my personal experience even bringing UP the idea of selling my engagement ring, whether or not it’s okay to sell your engagement ring is a very personal answer.

Some people think it’s totally fine to sell an engagement ring. Heck, when we went to pick out our wedding bands together, our jeweler said that some people definitely trade in their engagement ring to pay for the wedding bands.

And some people? Well, you’d have to pry their engagement ring from their left ring finger.

When figuring out if it’s OK to sell your rings or not, consider the following:

  • Do you plan to pass your rings down to someone, someday?
  • Does your spouse plan to pass your wedding rings down to someone, someday?
  • What is your/your spouse’s love language
  • Was the ring given to you by a family member ?
  • If you’re still married, do you have a replacement ring to wear on your ring finger ?
  • If you’re getting a divorced, would you ever wear the ring again, or is it going to sit in a jewelry box somewhere collecting dust?
  • Do you have kids with your soon-to-be ex-spouse? Would you consider passing the ring onto them one day?
  • Are you in a bad financial situation, and doing this would keep you from taking on bad debt ?
  • Can I use the money from the sale to invest in myself for a better future?

If you have children with your ex, and they’re old enough, then you can talk to them about whether or not they’d like the rings in the future.

For example, Kylie from, says,

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